Carnivalesque ELITE Eureka Crystal 4mm Bicones Bundle 3 Pack
The Carnivalesque Bundle is a must-have set for any lover of bicones, Mardi Gras carnival colors, and for any fan of high-quality Austrian crystal. Use this color-coordinated set of 4mm bicone beads...

Blue Morpho ELITE Eureka Crystal 4mm Bicones Bundle 3 Pack
The Blue Morpho Bundle is the go-to for any lover of bicones, the shades of blue and teal, and for any fan of high-quality Austrian crystal. Use this color-coordinated set of 4mm beads all in one...

Sunrise Dew ELITE Eureka Crystal 4mm Bicones Bundle 3 Pack
The Sunrise Dew Bundle is the go-to for any lover of bicones, the full of life and nature-oriented combination of fern green, golden topaz and AB 2X crystal, and for any fan of high-quality Austrian...

Sunset Foliage ELITE Eureka Crystal 4mm Bicones Bundle 3 Pack
The Sunset Foliage Bundle is the go-to set for any lover of bicones, shades of golden beige and green, and for any fan of high-quality Austrian crystal. Use this color-coordinated set of 4mm bicone...

Mystic Rose ELITE Eureka Crystal 4mm Bicones Bundle 3 Pack
The Mystic Rose Bundle is a must-have set for any lover of bicones, fan of high-quality Austrian crystal and anyone who enjoys delicate, ethereal color combinations that are sure to introduce some...